Ep: 1 Alive With Purpose

1 Minute Read

Alive w2F Purpose 1.jpgWelcome to Spring and to my brand new podcast!

This is the first of many big announcements coming up and I am thrilled to finally be able to share this one with you. While I really love all the work we did in the Elemental Yin Yang Podcast, I wanted to open up a deeper exploration of what it means to live a spiritual life and still be participating fully in our very busy world.

Navigating parenthood, a career, relationships of all kind and trying to keep up with the speed of life can sometimes feel like it is distracting you from your deeper purpose. 

My intention for this podcast is to explore the realities of that challenge and be in conversation with you about how we can keep our purpose at the forefront without checking out of all the other important parts of life.

So welcome to episode one. 

Listen to it on iTunes by clicking here

The Contest

After you have a listen, I would be so grateful if you could help me spread the word about this new project and subscribe to this show on iTunes and if you love it please give me a glowing review (in iTunes as well) as this helps me get seen and heard by more people.

So, in celebration of this new show and to thank you for taking a few minutes to subscribe and review, I am giving away one spot to a lucky listener in my upcoming Extreme Self-Care Course which begins on April 14.

Here's what you do:

1. Head over to this page and click "View in iTunes".

2. Click the Rate and Reviews tab.

3. Give a star rating (5 stars is always VERY helpful) and leave a review. 

4. Subscribe to the podcast while you are there to get automatic updates and episodes before anyone else.

5. Let me know you listened and reviewed my new show on Facebook or Instagram using the hastag #alivewithpurposepodcast

Get a bonus ballot for linking to the show in your post using this link: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/alive-with-purpose/id1361351876

Show Notes for Episode One

  • Interested in my old show Elemental Yin Yang Yoga? Listen to it here
  • Get a free chapter of my new book here

Transcript coming soon