Ep 28: Getting Things Done (No Matter What)


ladder-to-the-clouds_925xWhen you set a goal for yourself, how sure are you that you will get it done?

Do you trust yourself to stick to your appointments with yourself?


are you like most people who say "I will just see what I feel like doing in the moment".

I get it, its easy to skip out on your internal meetings because you think it isn't hurting anyone or letting anyone down

....except for the most important person in your life; YOU

Tune in and learn how to get things done no matter what.

Listen to episode 28

Things I mention in this episode + further resources:

The War of Art - by Steven Pressfield

When the Novelty of a New Habit Fades

Keeping Commitments to Yourself {video example}

The Extra Hour You Always Wanted - Free Workbook

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